Priorities for the Town of Smithfield

Jeff Brooks offers a fresh viewpoint to Smithfield. Recently relocated to the town, he is a lifelong Virginian with years of business experience and knowledge of challenges facing other municipalities. Other than his Historic District residence, he does not own property or hold commercial interests in Smithfield. He will make decisions based on the needs of town residents, not for personal financial gain. Jeff hopes to be a force for positive change and believes strongly in these principles:

  • Transparency — Open all decision making sessions for public input; increase the use of live-streaming; minimize closed door sessions and unannounced meetings

  • Two-Way Communication — Jeff’s open-door policy and insistence on mutual respect between personnel at all levels has been key to success for his business

  • Problem Solving — Develop constructive relationships with state and county government, utilities, VDOT and other, and take action to keep projects moving

Jeff Brooks is ready to take on the challenge of making Smithfield the safe, functional, vibrant community you want it to be. Vote Jeff Brooks for Town Council.